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Computer Vision Syndrome: Decoding the Digital Eye Strain

As computers become part of our everyday life, more and more people are experiencing a variety of ocular symptoms related to computer use. These include eyestrain, tired eyes, irritation, redness, blurred vision, and double vision, collectively referred to as computer vision syndrome.

The advent of computers has revolutionized the workplace. Office work before now involved a range of activities like typing, filling papers etc that requires movement around the office hence providing the natural break from these activities. With the introduction of computers, these tasks have been combined to where most can be performed without moving from desktop but still producing improved job quality and efficiency. The ownership of personal computers has also soared. Over time, we have all come to be dependent on our desktops, personal laptops, and most recently handheld devices.

However, extensive use of computer comes with concerns for our ocular health and safety. Eye related symptoms are the most frequently occurring health problems amongst video display terminal users.  The main visual symptoms reported by VDT users include eyestrain, tired eyes, irritation, burning sensation, redness, blurred vision, and double vision thus termed the phrase “Computer Vision Syndrome”.

To fully understand the causes of computer vision syndrome, the symptoms are divided into two broad categories: The first group, termed external symptoms, included burning, irritation, ocular dryness and tearing, and was related to dry eye. The second group, termed internal symptoms, included eyestrain, headache, eye ache, diplopia, and blur, and is generally caused by refractive, accommodative or vergence anomalies.

Dry eye as the major contributor of CVS can arise from varied factors; Environmental factors producing corneal drying such as low ambient humidity, high forced-air heating or air conditioning settings, reduced blink rate, incomplete blinking, increased corneal exposure, age and gender (prevalence increases with age and is higher in women than men), systemic medications, contact lens wear and ocular conditions.

Computer vision syndrome is also seen in patients with accommodative and vergence anomalies. Reduced accommodative sufficiency and facility has been linked to CVS.

Potential therapeutic interventions for patients with symptoms of CVS involves targeting the refractive or accommodative disorders, vergence anomalies or dry eyes which may have manifested during an eye examination.

It is worth noting that the symptoms of CVS associated with accommodation and vergence disorders do seem, in most cases, to be a result of viewing a visually demanding near target for an extended period and not specific to the electronic monitor. In contrast, symptoms of dry eye do appear to be directly related to computer use due to the position of the monitor (producing increased corneal exposure), reduced blink rate, increased partial blinking and other environmental factors.

The question remains, does your eye care practitioner provide a thorough testing of your CVS symptoms? A comprehensive eye examination is needed to assess CVS which should include the patient’s history of CVS symptoms, general health problems, medication use, or any environmental factors that may contribute to eye strain. In addition, visual acuity, refraction testing, and how well eyes focus, move, and work together are needed.

At Junic Eyecare, your eye optimum eye health is our paramount concern. Our optometrists would provide you with a detailed eye examination and prescribe the necessary glasses or therapeutic interventions for your computer vision syndrome. Call us on 02 6152 8585 or visit our website for more information.

Spring Allergies and Eye Care in Canberra

Springtime in Canberra comes with seasonal worries, such as allergic eye conditions. This is due to the body’s immune response to increased pollen and dust. In some cases, these allergies can even play a role in other eye conditions such as conjunctivitis.

Allergic conjunctivitis is IgE mediated hypersensitivity reactions. The allergen causes cross-linkage of membrane-bound IgE that causes mast cells to degranulate. This causes a release and cascade of allergic and inflammatory mediators, such as histamine leading to various symptoms with itching as the primary one whereby the patient is constantly rubbing their eyes with temporary relief. The eyelids and conjunctiva become oedematous and diffusely hyperaemic. Patients may present with bilateral swollen watery eyes because of the systemic nature of the disease.

So, what are the best ways to help manage eye allergies during this season?

  • Avoid Allergens
  • Artificial tears to dilute allergens
  • Cool compresses / ice packs
  • Frequent clothes washing and bathing/showering before bedtime
  • Visit your optometrist who would confirm your diagnosis and prescribe some topical antihistamine or mast-cell stabilizers medications.
  • Your optometrist may refer you for allergy or dermatology consultation for those who are not adequately controlled with topical medications and oral antihistamines.

Contact us Junic Eyecare on 02 6152 8585 to see one of our optometrists with ophthalmic prescribing endorsement or visit of website for more info

Diabetes and Your Eyes

Focus on Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetes is the forgotten epidemic of the 21st century and stands as one of the biggest ongoing challenges confronting Australia’s health system.

Diabetes remains the number one cause of blindness in Australian adults.

The disease causes a range of serious health problems in the body; some of the most serious problems are the ones that develop in the eyes, otherwise known as diabetic retinopathy.

Diabetic retinopathy can lead to blindness. The worst thing about the condition is that there are often no symptoms of diabetic retinopathy during the early stages, so people don’t even know they have it.

If you have diabetes, the only way to know if you have diabetic retinopathy is to have a diabetes eye test done by your optometrist.

What is Diabetic Retinopathy?

Diabetes complications fall into two groups: ‘microvascular’ and ‘macrovascular.’

Macrovascular complications involve large blood vessels; microvascular complications involve small blood vessels.

When a person has diabetes, they have high levels of glucose, or blood sugar. High blood glucose levels over long periods of time damages blood vessels. Basically, the blood vessels lose elasticity and that causes them to narrow, which restricts blood flow.

Examples of macrovascular diabetic complications would be conditions such as heart disease, stroke, or the loss of feeling in the legs, hands, or feet.

Diabetic retinopathy is an example of damage to the small blood vessels in the retina, which is located at the back of your eyes. The retina is a thin tissue that contains millions of nerve cells, which are responsible for detecting light, shapes, and colours.

In the first stage of diabetic retinopathy, (called ‘non-proliferative’), the damaged blood vessels in the retina become weak and leak. In the second, more advanced stage of diabetic retinopathy (called ‘proliferative’), the damage to the retinal blood vessels is more widespread. That causes the growth of new, abnormal blood vessels. When that happens, there is severe loss of vision, increased eye pressure leading to glaucoma and the potential for total blindness. With regular checkups your optometrist may be able to refer you to a qualified eye doctor for surgical intervention before it is too late.

Risk Factors of Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is one of the most common complications of diabetes. Anyone with diabetes can develop it, but the risk of vision loss can go up based on the following factors:

  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Smoking
  • Long periods of elevated blood glucose levels
  • The longer you have diabetes

People with diabetes are not powerless to stop the advance of diabetic retinopathy. It’s important to remember that regular eye exams and dedication to maintaining control of blood sugar and blood pressure are the best ways to prevent diabetes vision loss.

Vision Loss Prevention

Most vision loss from diabetic eye disease can be prevented if it is caught early enough.

If you or someone you care about has diabetes, don’t wait for visual diabetic retinopathy symptoms to develop to book an eye check. Often, by the time vision problems are experienced, the disease is in the advanced stages, and it will be more difficult to manage.

As a rule of thumb, people with diabetes should have their eyes checked after being diagnosed with the condition, and then at least once every two years. Often, some people will need to have eye checks more frequently. Speak with us at EyecarePlus member optometrists to determine the schedule that is right for you.

In July each year, Diabetes Australia focusses on raising public awareness about the seriousness of diabetes and to encourage all Australians to check their risk. The 2022 National Diabetes Week takes place from 10 to 16 July and focuses on the emotional health and well-being of the 1.8 million Australians living with the condition.

Too many Australians have already lost their sight as the result of diabetes. In recognition of National Diabetes Week 2022, let’s all commit to changing these statistics.


Does my child need an eye test?

Optometry Australia’s recommendation is to get your kids’ eyes tested with an optometrist before they start school and subsequently every 2 years (if everything is ok) as they progress through primary, middle, and secondary school.

With the school year almost in the second half, it is important for children to have their eyes checked if they haven’t done already at the beginning of the year. This is because early detection means early intervention. It also prevents delays in learning and development. According to the 2020 Vision Index, commissioned by Optometry Australia, 29 per cent of Australian parents do not believe they need to take their children to the optometrist until they are older, with the average age parents believe children need an eye examination being 5-8 years. An additional 30 per cent of parents have never considered taking their children for an eye examination, despite children learning more from their vision than all other senses combined. Only 68 per cent of parents have ever taken their child for an eye examination, with the key motivators being complaints about poor vision (63 per cent) and eye injuries (45 per cent). Whilst 49 per cent of parents said they would be prompted to take their child for an eye check if their child was struggling at school.

Vision is our most important sense, children often think their vision is completely fine without knowing any better. The onus is now on the parents to take an action with their childrens’ eye health.

At Junic eyecare, we offer a comprehensive eye check which encompasses vision check and binocular vision tests which checks how both eyes work together in seeing a unified single image. Also colour vision and checking for depth perception are all part of the detailed eye examinations tailored for our young patients.

I encourage parents to pay attention to their kid’s vision/eye health and look out for:

  • Squinting to see things,
  • Rubbing their eyes when they are not tired.
  • Head turn/Tilting their head to see better.
  • Close working distance/Holding books close to their eyes or sitting close to the television.
  • Clumsiness
  • Avoidance of near activities
  • Excessive blinking
  • Poor reading and/or writing at school
  • Eyes appear to wander or are crossed.
  • Avoiding activities conducted close to the face such as colouring and drawing.
  • Difficulty reading, such as skipping and confusing words, and holding a book very close while reading


Junic Eye Care, Junic Specialist Centre, Molonglo Health Hub, 110

Woodberry Avenue, Coombs. Visit Junic Eye Care or call (02) 6152 8585.

Why comprehensive eye exams are important for your vision

It is easy to assume that a vision screening is a comprehensive eye test, but this is not the case.

Vision screenings are basic eye tests that help identify whether you have any problem with your vision, but they don’t test for eye diseases or the underlying causes of any vision problem. It does, however, identify whether you should get a comprehensive eye exam and should not be seen as a substitute for one. It is a series of short tests compared to a full eye exam. It is often a precursor as it identifies whether you have a vision problem rather than determining what the issue is. Vision screenings are often performed in places like schools or community centres by nurses, optometrists, and other allied health practitioners. And, sometimes by your GP. A screening would normally involve a set of simple assessments such as:

  • Testing your visual acuity using an eye chart either with “Snellen” letters or for children who can’t read yet, what is called the “Tumbling E” chart
  • Testing your pupil reactions to light
  • Eye coordination using simple charts or other basic tests
  • Stereopsis (depth perception /3D)
  • Some vision screenings also test for colour vision using charts like the Ishihara Colour Vision test

A comprehensive eye examination on the other hand is performed by an optometrist and will involve a thorough examination of all aspects of your vision. Your optometrist will then make recommendations based on your individual visual needs. This includes prescription lenses, eye exercises, eye drops or ointment, and even referral to an ophthalmologist for further treatment or surgery as required.

An eye test may vary slightly depending on your age or specific needs, but most commonly include these tests:

  • Visual Acuity:This is a test to measure the sharpness of your vision.
  • Refraction: This finds your prescription, which may or may not need to be made into glasses
  • Colour Vision:A screening test to check your colour vision to rule out any colour vision defect.
  • Tonometry: This measures the pressure of inside your eyes. This is part of Glaucoma test.
  • Cover Test:This is a simple, easy way to test if your eyes work well together.
  • Ocular Motility or Eye Movements:This determines how well your eyes can follow a moving object as well as fixate on different targets. Issues with eye movement can cause eye strain and lead to difficulties in reading.
  • Slit Lamp Exam:This is a specific test your optometrist uses to examine the structure of your eye under high magnification. This helps detect a wide range of eye conditions and diseases including cataract, macular degeneration, corneal ulcers, and diabetic retinopathy.
  • Retinal Photography: Many optometrists today use high resolution digital cameras to take images of the back of your eye to be able to look at changes over time and as a good record of the state of your retina.

These are the most common tests performed during a comprehensive eye exams but there are more which covers a wide spectrum of potential eye conditions.

You can get an eye exam with an optometrist at Junic Eyecare Plus Coombs or ophthalmologist clinic. It is important to book an appointment first to make sure we can accommodate you.

At the eye exam, you can expect the optometrist to take a comprehensive medical history to figure out what they should be looking out for. These questions can range from your family history, past and present medical issues, medications you might be on, injuries, and other factors. It is essential to be as forthcoming and thorough as possible with your answers to ensure that the test covers all likely possibilities.